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(last updated Dec 2023)

Publication list, including PDFs and relevant code from my github page. For the most up-to-date record of my publications, please visit my google scholar page.


Ruzicka, F., Holman, L., Connallon, T. Polygenic signals of sex differences in selection in humans from the UK Biobank. PLOS Biology, 20:e3001768. PDF - code

Ruzicka, F., Reuter, M. Evolutionary Genetics: Dissecting a sexually antagonistic polymorphism. Current Biology (Dispatch), 35:PR828-R830 PDF

Connallon, T., Beasley, I.J., McDonough, Y., Ruzicka, F. How much does the unguarded X contribute to sex differences in lifespan? Evolution Letters 6:319–329. PDF

Ruzicka, F., Connallon, T. An unbiased test reveals no enrichment of sexually antagonistic polymorphisms on the human X chromosome. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289:20212314. - PDF - code


Ruzicka, F., Connallon, T., Reuter, M. Sex differences in deleterious mutational effects in Drosophila melanogaster: combining quantitative and population genetic insights. Genetics 219:iyab143 - PDF - code

Jardine, M., Ruzicka, F., Diffley, C., Fowler, K., Reuter, M. A non-coding indel polymorphism in the fruitless gene of Drosophila melanogaster exhibits antagonistically pleiotropic effects. Proc. R. Soc. B. 288:20202958 - PDF


Ruzicka, F.*, Connallon, T.* Is the X chromosome a hot spot for sexually antagonistic polymorphisms? Biases in current empirical tests of classical theory. Proc. R. Soc. B. 287:20201869. PDF

Ruzicka, F.*, Dutoit, L.*, Czuppon, P., Jordan, C.Y., Li, X-Y, Olito, C., Runemark, A., Svensson, E.I., Yazdi, H.P., Connallon, T. The search for sexually antagonistic genes: Practical insights from studies of local adaptation and statistical genomics. Evol. Lett. 4:398-415. - PDF


Ruzicka, F.*, Hill, M.S.*, Pennell, T.M.*, Flis, I., Ingleby, F.C., Mott, R., Fowler, K., Morrow, E.H., Reuter, M. Genome-wide sexually antagonistic variants reveal long-standing constraints on sexual dimorphism in fruit flies. PLOS Biol. 17(4) e3000244. - PDF - code

2018 and earlier

Connallon, T., Olito, C., Dutoit, L., Papoli, H., Ruzicka, F., Yong, L. (2018). Local adaptation and the evolution of inversions on sex chromosomes and autosomes. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 373: 20170423. - PDF

Reuter, M., Camus, M. F., Hill, M.S., Ruzicka, F., Fowler, K. (2017). Evolving plastic responses to external and genetic environments. Trends. Genet. 33(3), 169-170. - PDF

Davies, T., Ruzicka, F., Lavery, T., Walters, C.L., Pettorelli, N. (2016). Ultrasonic monitoring to assess the impacts of forest conversion on Solomon Island bats. Remote Sens. Ecol. Conserv. 2(2), 107-118. - PDF

Andujar, C., Arribas, P., Ruzicka, F., Crampton-Platt, A., Timmermans, M.J.T.N., Vogler, A.P. (2015). Phylogenetic community ecology of soil biodiversity using mitochondrial metagenomics. Mol. Ecol. 24(14), 3603-3617. - PDF